Land Animal
Stafford, UK
Canon 7dmk2, Sigma 150-600mm Sports, 3x Yongnuo Flash with wireless triggers, Vanguard Alta Pro Tripod.
I've been slowly cultivating my garden into a wildlife friendly area for a couple of years now with the intention of helping out the local wildlife while bringing some of my subjects closer. Only recently I began to notice the signs of a Hedgehog visiting & made plans to capture an image I'd been thinking about for a long time. Essentially I wanted to use flash to highlight the spines of the subject as he walked along a piece of deadfall wood I had set up. From observations with trailcam & by eye I knew he followed a very specific route & was punctual to the minute in his hunting of slugs on the log. This enabled me to setup my flash units behind the log to highlight the spines with a third flash in front at very low power to slightly fill details. I set a red torch to shine on the area to aid autofocus as he always visited just after dark. A stroke of luck occurred on the night of the shoot, it had started raining so the raindrops became illuminated by the flash giving a starlit feel to the image.
Adrian Clarke
Instagram: adeclarke
Twitter: ClarkePictures
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