Self Portrait
Edinburgh, Scotland
Wide angle lens, 28mm, f1.8. Shot on iPhone 13 using a shutter release and tripod.
Minx•O•Matic In this self portrait, I am exploring the concept of beauty, womanhood and relationships idealised by culture, and the strange roles and tools we are encouraged to use to conform to them. Most of my life I have been bombarded with very traditional ideas of what I should strive for as a cis women in life; to marry and become the perfect mother and anticipating supportive wife. Alongside this the media has plagued me into believing I must remain sexual and hold onto youthful looks at all costs, with encouragement to adopt bizarre rituals in an attempt to stop my “beauty” from “fading”. It feels like it is implied that if women fail to meet the standard they are inferior and less valuable human beings, and certainly not the kind that manage to ‘keep a man interested’. How far will we go before we loose all sense of how the female population ages and evolves because of the media? This image showcases an "LED Face Mask", the latest fad in the beauty technology world. I discovered it through targeted advertisements on my social media.
Vicky Viola
Instagram: @vickyviolaart
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