Modified Toyo 810G monorail camera fitted with a 450mm f/4.5 Wallet and Hermagis petzval lens from 1850.
8x10 Tintype. Cj is a contortionist. This shot was particularly hard to pull off as there are a lot of camera movements used here. I had to use a lot of lens swing and tilt to keep her just her face in focus. Consequently it was necessary to combine both front and rear horizontal shift plus additional rear vertical shift to keep the petzval lens's relatively small circle of sharpness on her face. So my view camera ended up having to do it's own contortion act too! This image is from my ongoing series of wet plate portraits of circus and variety artists.
Guy Bellingham
Instagram: guybellinghamphotography
Website: https://guybellinghamphotography.co.uk
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