near Droitwich, Worcestershire
Nikon D810 with Nikkor 500mm f4 lens at 1/500sec f4.0 ISO140
A little Owl had established a nest in a solitary old Oak tree on farmland, near Droitwich in Worcestershire. The hide set up close to the tree affords fabulous but discreet views of his preparations to raise a family in an old branch hole. A little supplementary feeding would tempt him to pay a visit from time to time and on this occasion, whilst I was distracted by watching a Ewe who had settled directly under his nest at the foot of the tree and promptly delivered her lamb, this chap had arrived and looked directly into my lens. I really like the symmetry of the composition, albeit I can claim no credit for this other than my ability to keep quiet, still and let nature take it's course, for the Ewe, her newborn and this character turning up, to make it a truly brilliant day!
Andy Harris
Instagram: andy62uk
Facebook: andyharriswildlifephotography
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