Zoom In
Edinburgh, Scotland
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
Calton Hill in Edinburgh provides an amazing 360-degree view of the city, but it's this view that I particularly like as it captures so much of Edinburgh's iconic architecture in one scene. To take the shot I had to use the 10x optical zoom on the Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra, letting me focus my composition and get a 'clean' view down Princes Street without any distracting elements. The camera's auto settings did most of the work in capturing this image, but I made small tweaks to the exposure and colour balance in Lightroom. I love this scene and despite being well-used to Edinburgh's views in my years of living here, I still love seeing this image.
Andrew Lanxon
Instagram: BatteryHQ
Twitter: BatteryHQ
Website: http://www.lanxonphotography.com