Middlesbrough Sports Village
Canon R5C + Sigma 20mm 1.4 EF
I was shooting for the Castle Games, who run an amateur CrossFit competition. I captured this image during a max clean event. Each athlete have six lifts and each lift would be combined for a total weight. If the athlete failed the attempt they would lose a score for that attempt. This event was really tight to shoot, the back wall at the Sports Village is no more than ten feet wide, so when i captured this image I was probably less than two feet away from the athelete. I used the 20mm 1.4 as the light isn't great and to freeze time you need to have a fast enough shutter, also to get the width of the bar and the athelete it requires a wide lens, I also feel like the qualities of this lens add to the dynamic nature of the sport, distorting just in the right way. This athlete failed an 165kg lift, which is an incredible feat of strength, especially for an amateur competition. I captured just the right moment where the bar is floating mid air while the athlete is showing his emotion about what had just happened. I cropped the image to be 16x9 as I liked the idea of printing this ultra wide, but also to try and break the mold of verticial shots that are associated with social media and CrossFit. Also making it black and white took the distractions away and allows the viewer to focus on the main athlete in the image.
Jonathan Hamilton
Instagram: jonnyhamilton_
Twitter: jonnyhamilton_
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