Ashurst, Hampshire
Sony rx 100iv, Panosaurus 2
This is a 360 degree spherical panorama made from stitching multiple overlapping photographs of the location together using ptgui. Due to its ability to create unique and immersive images, it is a technique I have developed a deep affection for. I want to grab the viewers' attention, drawing them in and encouraging them to look closer. Over 50 shots were taken, but only the ones necessary for this projection were used in the final image. All component photos were taken at f11, 24mm focal length. The iso, exposure time and exposure compensation varies between each photo depending on where the camera is pointed. It was edited using Ptgui software. My intention was to draw the viewers eye to the foxglove, using the bracken to reinforce and help emphasise the perspective, leading to a greater sense of immersion. I spent many hours searching the woods for a tall foxglove that wasn't near a path or decaying. I found these in shoulder high bracken, there was very little room to position the tripod and still have enough room to maneuver myself around the camera, keeping out of the shots and not affecting the arrangement of foliage . Bugs bit.
Konrad Cox
Instagram: konradorama
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