Hardwick Hall; Sedgefield
Sony A9 + Sony 35mm 1.8 FE
Sometimes creativity can be found in the most boring of corridors. The corridor inside the hotel had a sliding wall which could be separated into panels. Immediately the vision of a Chiaroscuro type photo came into my head. Whilst the bride and groom were outside I brought 2 AD200 flash heads into the room behind the sliding doors and pointed the flashes directly at the wall. I knew by doing this at full power I would blow out the room to white, especially as I had a guest hold a white sheet in the middle to be safe. I then simply crushed all ambient light using an aperture of F16 an ISO of 800 and 1/200. The light hitting the couple is the spill from the other side of the sliding doors which works perfectly and as visioned.
Ray Sawyer
Instagram: sawyerandsawyerphotography
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