Commercial: Product
Junction 11 Studios UK
Hasselblad H5D and Arri Continuous studio lighting
This image was part of a series that were shot in studio at the Juction 11 studios in the UK. The work was shot for my client V Management to shoot a collection of very special Ferrari models that made up a collection. The image was shot using continuous lighting only and the technique that I use in studio when shooting cars such as this is to use the light to 'sculpt' the car with all its complex curves and angles. It is always crucial to give the car shape and depth, its not always a case of shooting what it looks like, more to try and capture how it makes you feel... With this particular image I really wanted to capture a different view of this amazing car and the shadow from the body shape with the doors up was a key element for me, this was achieved using a single light high over the car to get the dramatic shadow on the studio floor. The shot is made up of several exposures all using the lighting to concentrate on forming the light across a particular section of the car without contaminating other area’s that I wanted to keep in darkness, these were then merged together. Lens used was a Hasselblad 50-110mm at f25 with exposures of 20 seconds.
Tim Wallace
Instagram: timwallace47
Twitter: Ambient_life
Facebook: tim.wallace.942
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