Ware, Hertfordshire
Canon 5D Mark II, Canon 100mm Macro L IS lens, Splashart 2 water dropper, 2 off camera speedlites
Water drop photography perfectly encapsulates the art of photography. Capturing an amazing moment in time that would otherwise go unnoticed or be taken for granted. The stunning drop collision has produced an amazingly symmetrical Veil that is quite simply unique. The image is captured using an electronic water dropper that creates a drop collision. Food colouring, cream and a thickening agent give the liquid the consistency to create the unique shape. The settings are f/16, ISO 200 and a shutter speed of 1/200 second. The flashes are set at 1/32 power. The low power provides a shorter burst of light and it is actually the flash that freezes the movement rather than the shutter speed. You can see more about water drop photography and how it is created here -
Adam Karnacz
Instagram: adamkarnacz
Twitter: adamkarnacz
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